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Upcoming events

November 21


Recent events

October 19-20 - Brussels Excursion

July 27 - Summer social

June 29 - Workshop - Women's vision on green urban spaces

April 30 - Expo #19 Women's Vision for Green Urban Spaces

April 18 - Bookclub #5 - After Work: A history of the home and the fight for free time by Helen Hester and Nick Srnicek

March 13 - (Late) Women's day social

February 28 - Expo #18 & Bookclub #4 Smooth city by Rene Boer

January 26 - The Rotterdam Human Scale

January 25 - Bookclub #3 - Miss nobody and other novels by Ethel Carnie Holdsworth

December 14 - Bookclub #2 - A room of one's own by Virginia Woolf

November 2 - Bookclub #1 - Feminist city: Claiming space in a man-made world by Leslie Kern


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