Last expo we had an amazing and inspiring evening with the Urbanistas Rotterdam! We had exciting presentations by Nina Ravestein, Amanda Bryant and Karishma Asarpota, each one very different, yet very interesting.
First, Nina told us about her office P.A.D. landscape (Plan Art Design), which she founded in Rotterdam some years ago. She presented a new, fresh and unique approach of nature inclusive design, where nature has its own ambassadors in our urban landscapes. Definitely one of the highlights of the discussion was when Nina shared her experience of being her own boss, and how this had an impact in her confidence while working with clients (mostly men, obviously). Everyone started sharing also their own experiences and it concluded, after a long dialogue, how important is to be able to start the conversation about gender inequality or/and male-dominated work environment.
Then Amanda shared with us her idea of a Book Exchange for Urbanistas RDAM. Based on her own experience in having few books recommended by fellow colleagues, she exposed how she thinks that this can be a platform for knowledge exchange. We had a lively discussion on different ways to make it happen, and we will start using our Facebook group/Instagram to share those covers of books that we would like to share with others.
To finalize the evening, Karishma told us her entrepreneurial project on sustainable razors. It is really inspiring to see how the "urban" scope can be stretched to other dimensions, even product design! Thinking about ways to deal with climate change and its impact on our living environments? Then make more sustainable daily-use products and reduce waste and use resources in a more efficient way! Hearing her story was thrilling and fresh. We will definitely stay tunned and follow up on her development!