We were delighted to have Dana Behrman, Maria Zafeiriadou and Olga Kotta from the Urban Unit of UNStudio speaking at Expo 13! They have been working on a manifest, a call for action for Urban Social Equity and wanted to share their ideas with us.
The first important notion is that social equity is not the same as equality. Equality is about giving one solution that fits for all.
Equity is understanding the special needs of each individual and giving a solution that fits each individual. That means that in every project the needs can be different and need to be questioned again. For that purpose 10 points were composed that can help to design fair cities.

Together we discussed what a fair and just city is on a personal level, how to bring social equity into a project as a designer and how this topic can also be pursued on a business level. Something the Urbanistas all feel is very important in our daily practices!
Some interesting links: